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Tuesday, 3rd September 2024

The network mourns the loss of Simon Mullings

Hammersmith and Fulham Law Centre housing specialist, Simon Mullings, has died unexpectedly last weekend while on holiday.

Spike, as he was also known, was well known and well-liked in the sector. A legal aid housing lawyer for years with Edwards Duthie Shamash, he was recent co-chair of the Housing Law Practitioners Association (HLPA) throughout the pandemic.

In 2013, Simon was among the founding trustees of Ealing Law Centre in west London. Later, during the pandemic, he joined Hammersmith and Fulham Law Centre to head its housing team. Since then has been a pillar of the network’s housing community, generous with his experience and insights.

Simon devoted the last 26 years of his career to defending the rights of renters and fighting home loss. At the county court possession duty desk, he often represented clients just minutes after meeting them, successfully preventing their eviction.

One of Simon’s significant recent cases is Rakusen v Jepsen, which he pursued all the way to the UK Supreme Court. This case highlighted a lacuna in the existing rent repayment order provisions that limits liability to an immediate landlord, while a superior landlord is exempt.

Simon’s considerable expertise continues to benefit housing lawyers: through Legal Action Group’s Housing Possession Duty Desk: a practical guide (2021), which he co-authored with Sue James.

In Simon’s own words from 2019: “I remain a housing lawyer because I can’t think of more vital work than to help people retain their home or stop them from becoming homeless.”

The other great passion of Simon’s life was music. Simon was formerly bass guitarist of UK indie rock band The Snapdragons, and continued to make music in a personal capacity up until his untimely death.

Simon was an inspiration to so many across the network. His brilliant mind, his charisma and his kindness will be sorely missed.

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